The Solution To NIGERIA

What exactly is wrong with Nigeria? Or forgive me if I sound a little extreme but permit me to rephrase that and rather ask what’s right with Nigeria?

From the top to the bottom, there’s a rot that’s eaten deep into the very essence of what we should stand for as a people. Personally, I try very hard to mind my own business but I’ve learnt from experience that when the society I live in makes the decision of running amok, it does become my business.

First there was the season of letters; adults and supposed leaders writing letters to each other like some high school kids keeping malice, appalling theatrics! I’m not very politically aware, but I know enough to recognize when people are trying to pull a fast one on me.

Letters and then more letters; only this time, the letters had the seal of the ‘aso-office’ and the recipients couldn’t write back, they had to leave office. Some serious cabinet reshuffle and smart (or not so smart) pre-election moves went down and the tabloids took their sweet time in squeezing all the juicy stories dry whilst of course exaggerating and downplaying truths and half-truths with uncensored ‘poetic license’.

I guess its all business, and politics right? It could have been funny you know; we could just kick back and laugh at the silliness of our ‘leader-sheep’ if more important things weren’t at stake. Like the organized stampede party in Abuja and other places; the irrational offer of job slots for dead graduates, the nonchalance of the people who asked young men and women to come and write a pointless test when the jobs had been handed out already, and of course the much dreaded ‘boko-guys’.

You know these guys have upped their game, they’ve made some points and you have to hand it to them. If nothing else, the recent attacks have confirmed to us that they’re not confined to Borno. Everyone knows they’re very confused, they don’t even know what they’re fighting for. First it was western education, then they decided let’s kill the christians. Suddenly, the muslims became victims too and now, even innocent girls in secondary school?

I read a release by the sect leader last night, and my conclusion is the same; you can’t reason with lunatics. These are desperate times, we need drastic measures to restore a semblance of sanity to this nation. I’m no master of war, nor am I a spiritual godfather, but I’m quite convinced we need both to silence these heartless maniacs.
Bro Joe is not trying at all, and the woman he married… let’s just all learn as young men that we have to get it right with the better half.

It really breaks my heart to note that mothers and the entire nation had to take to the streets before the government even noticed that our girls were kidnapped. I’m thinking if the economic summit didn’t happen to coincide with these protests, good old Joe would have come up to say ‘we are handling the boko-haram situation’-as usual. So much from young people too, Naija guys can protest on social media. Call me an extremist, but I think all these things are half-hearted.

This country has had more than a fair share of problems, and its gotten to the point we can’t continue to think its ‘their’ business.

I just hope there’s an upheaval from top to bottom. I hope we defeat our problems before they eclipse us.


About Olumide Lawrence

OLUMIDE LAWRENCE is a writer, an artiste and a publicist. Started out as a PLAYER, now I am a Relationship COACH. Follow me on twitter @ilummynation and instagram @glowville Facebook: Olumide ilummynation Lawrence. BBM: 2A3B059E, 7E15126B.

5 thoughts on “The Solution To NIGERIA

  1. This should be the last straw that breaks the camel’s back for us as Nigerians. If you have been sitting down before carelessly observing these events, then I say it’s high time you start to get out of that seat. This is no longer the time for indifference. “Let them be killing themselves, afterall na their brothers”. It’s only happening in the north we can’t be bothered… Let me remind you that this is an insurgency. They are slowing eating at the last strength and even trust we had in ourselves as a nation, and that’s the graetest defeat. It is now time for everyone young and old alike to adopt an active participation stance to this matter. Don’t just tweet and update your bbm statuses, ACT! Put the pressure where it’s necessary and important! Let the leaders know that there is a binding purpose in every one of our hearts… This is not just something we’re going to laugh about and hope it goes away. The solution is to keep fighting, with your “pens”, media platforms, protests…. Be sensitive and conscious of your environments! The last thing I’m going to say is be patriotic. Let there be a spirit of nationalism. We don’t have another country oo! No matter how bad this one is. If you want to become a refugee from a torn up nation in another country, you can continue to laugh and sit around. Tell your family to be patriotic. Think of the little things we still have to be proud about as a nation and share them with each other. We cannot and we will not lose Nigeria to these Lunatics!


    • I am particularly glad you lent out your voice to this cause. Social media tags wont solve our problems except we rise as one. But rising as ONE – which is our solution – is also our major problem in this country.


      • And it is very sad. People are so insensitive, they rather quarrel than reason together to find a solution to the problem. To worsen matters is the way people cook their own stories up to confuse people, and then the gullible ones too swallow everything. Before you know it there are conflictual opinions of the issue at hand. It’s just complicated. The major problem we have is low level of education. Most Nigerians have not learned to make up their minds as individuals. They rather wait for someone else to make up his mind, then they’ll follow. We allow things to easily influence our opinions, and that’s bad.


  2. God has to teach us the way forward cos this matter Is now more than our corrupt leaders. They r super clueless right now and the puppet in d name of president has nothing to say or offer.
    I saw an article by newyork times posted by linda ikeji and you need to see how our president and wife were addressed. Shameful something.
    I pray God takes pity on us.


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